🚀 Welcome to graphene-django-cruddals

📝 Introduction

graphene-django-cruddals is a library for Django that extends Graphene-django by simplifying the creation of GraphQL APIs in Django projects. It automates the creation of CRUD operations and provides additional features such as soft-delete, pagination, filtering, and sorting for data control, abbreviated as DALS (Deactivate, Activate, List, Search).

First time using graphene-django-cruddals? We suggest starting with the Quick-Start to quickly set up your development environment and begin using the library in your project. Additionally, we recommend exploring the main documentation for Graphene-django to familiarize yourself with the basic utilities it offers.

📋 Table of Contents

If you're seeking to streamline your Django models into a robust GraphQL API capable of handling all CRUD + DALS operations seamlessly, dive into the Installation.




🛠️ Custom Types